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High-performance cloud infrastructure
for your services and applications

We provide a secure and efficient server infrastructure tailored specifically to your application or website

We are a partner ofOVHCloud

  • Data

    We guarantee the highest level of data security. (3 backup locations)

  • Short
    loading time

    We ensure the shortest possible loading time for your website! (higher than an AWS or GCP)

  • A dedicated

    We offer a high quality of service for your server infrastructure

  • High-Performance
    Servers & Hosting

    With us, you are assured of unlimited scalability and guaranteed resources.

A COMPARISON Poznaj różnicę między naszym
hostingiem, a tradycyjnym



Mirror backup environment as a standard

100% SLA? Your application runs on a mirrored server in a separate Data Center so that in the event of a network, machine, or hacking failure, traffic can be seamlessly switched to a completely separate server infrastructure
yes no

Daily data backup in a separate data center

Your data is fully secure by creating frequent copies of the entire environment in separate geolocation. We can perform backups even as often as every 1 hour 7 days a week. By comparison, most providers store their backups in the same data center.
yes yes depending on type of services

Unlimited scaling of resources

Are you planning an advertising campaign and receiving 1million users a week? No problem, we will guarantee a stable, efficient and secure operation of your website for the duration of the campaign.
yes no depending on type of services

IT administration services 24/7

We are available 24 hours a day. We proactively monitor all the applications we maintain and intervene within minutes after notification about any problems.
yes yes depending on the supplier

24-hour server monitoring

We continuously monitor the correct functioning of the server infrastructure–both in terms of networks and hardware. In the event of an emergency, we respond immediately.
yes yes

Developer support

What particularly distinguishes us from other companies of the same type is that we have teams of programmers at our disposal. We are ready to take care of and support your application, NOT ONLY from the server side and from the software side. Something not working? Has there been an error? Leave it to us to solve!
yes no

Application / website performance monitoring

We monitor your application and are the first to know if anything untoward happens to it–e.g., hacks, bugs, attack attempts.
yes no

Guaranteed speed for your application

When providing the server infrastructure, we set a GUARANTEED minimum speed for the application. Do you have very high requirements and want the site to load within 150ms? We will provide you with this capacity. In case of poor optimization of your website–you can count on the support of our team of programmers to fix it.
yes no

Application security optimization and performance

Servers are not the only thing that matters; sometimes, poor performance is due to incorrect or sub-optimal application/website code. We have highly skilled developers at our disposal who can make adjustments to your site to ensure above-average performance.
yes no

Immediate action against cyber attacks

We guarantee a response time of up to 10 minutes from the notification of a serious breakdown 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, we monitor your service ourselves and intervene within minutes in the event of any irregularities.
yes no
  • Mirror backup environment as a standard

    100% SLA? Your application runs on a mirrored server in a separate Data Center so that in the event of a network, machine, or hacking failure, traffic can be seamlessly switched to a completely separate server infrastructure
  • Daily data backup in a separate data center

    Your data is fully secure by creating frequent copies of the entire environment in separate geolocation. We can perform backups even as often as every 1 hour 7 days a week. By comparison, most providers store their backups in the same data center.

    depending on type of services

  • Unlimited scaling of resources

    Are you planning an advertising campaign and receiving 1million users a week? No problem, we will guarantee a stable, efficient and secure operation of your website for the duration of the campaign.

    depending on type of services

  • IT administration services 24/7

    We are available 24 hours a day. We proactively monitor all the applications we maintain and intervene within minutes after notification about any problems.

    depending on the supplier

  • 24-hour server monitoring

    We continuously monitor the correct functioning of the server infrastructure–both in terms of networks and hardware. In the event of an emergency, we respond immediately.
  • Developer support

    What particularly distinguishes us from other companies of the same type is that we have teams of programmers at our disposal. We are ready to take care of and support your application, NOT ONLY from the server side and from the software side. Something not working? Has there been an error? Leave it to us to solve!
  • Application / website performance monitoring

    We monitor your application and are the first to know if anything untoward happens to it–e.g., hacks, bugs, attack attempts.
  • Guaranteed speed for your application

    When providing the server infrastructure, we set a GUARANTEED minimum speed for the application. Do you have very high requirements and want the site to load within 150ms? We will provide you with this capacity. In case of poor optimization of your website–you can count on the support of our team of programmers to fix it.
  • Application security optimization and performance

    Servers are not the only thing that matters; sometimes, poor performance is due to incorrect or sub-optimal application/website code. We have highly skilled developers at our disposal who can make adjustments to your site to ensure above-average performance.
  • Immediate action against cyber attacks

    We guarantee a response time of up to 10 minutes from the notification of a serious breakdown 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, we monitor your service ourselves and intervene within minutes in the event of any irregularities.

Looking for reliable and secure hosting?

Our offer is aimed at companies that demand high quality from their hosting provider and expect high-quality server service of the PAAS (platform-as-a-service) type. As part of the hosting service itself, we offer a range of accompanying services such as proactive monitoring, active administrative, and programming care. Our hosting is perfect for you if you manage:
  • E-commerce platforms with an emphasis on speed of service and data security.
  • Dedicated applications with above-average technical requirements.
  • Systems that manage and process large amounts of data.
  • WordPress and WooCommerce based websites focused on high security and performance.

OPTIMIZATION Infrastruktura zoptymalizowana
pod kątem aplikacji webowych

We have developed and optimized our entire environment and server infrastructure, especially with regard to the services and web applications that we create ourselves.

  • Dedicated software

    The server environment is particularly optimized for applications based on:
    • PHP Symfony /Zend / Laravel
    • Python Django
  • Wordpress + WooCommerce

    Every configuration element has been optimized for efficient and secure WordPress operation. The security rules are much stricter than those required in the CODEX. The environment is tailored to handle the high-performance operation of WooCommerce.
  • Databases

    We manage extensive databases with the highest level of security:
    • MySQL
    • MS SQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • Maria DB

PREMIUM SERVICE Hosting bez kompromisów

Our hosting services are a combination of the best features of both dedicated servers and cloud platforms. Hardware resources are dedicated and not shared with other users. At the same time, we provide auto-scaling of resources supported by VMware.

NVMe ultra-fast drives

NVMe is a new high-performance technology that delivers high I/O throughput and low latency. At the same time, NVMe removes the limitations typically associated with SAS/SATA and provides all the capabilities of modern NAND flash memory.

Dedicated Intel cores

Each machine has dedicated cores, so there will be no situation where your website starts running slower due to a load of another service.

VMware virtualization

VMware virtualization is nothing more than the consolidation of resources on a single dedicated machine. We use products from our renowned partner VMware in order to achieve the greatest possible hosting stability.


We allow a continuous CPU/RAM/HDD resource utilization of no more than 60%. We retain a 40% safety margin for temporary surges in requirements. In the event of significant traffic spikes, auto-scaling of resources is activated.


We only use high-speed memory (above 2400MHz) in our servers, knowing how often optimization systems (such as Memcache) use RAM. In addition, we always retain significant redundancy. A sudden increase in traffic will not affect the speed of your site.


This solution performs 3 functions–it separates application servers (containing data) from the public network, it redirects traffic in case of a failure to a replicated server, and, in case of high load, it also distributes traffic to a larger number of virtual machines.

FEATURES What are the characteristic features of our hosting services?

Support and contact

  • Direct contact
    - with the infrastructure manager
    - with the Webmaster

  • Developer support at the application level

  • Possible support
    24 hours a day / 365 days a year


  • Website speed of 120 - 180ms

  • Fully ready for traffic, even over 1 million users per day

  • Active monitoring of website performance and certificate validity (e.g. SSL)

  • SLA of over 99,95%

Zwinne oraz transparentne zarządzanie projektem


  • Security procedures implemented
    SCAP Standard

  • Backups every 1 hour at 2 DC locations with physical access to data

  • Server replicated in
    real time

    in a separate Data Center

FAQ Popular questions

  • How much does this type of hosting cost?

    It depends on resource usage, traffic, and SLA requirements. The lowest packages start from 400 PLN / month.
  • How long does it take to migrate a website to our infrastructure?

    This is dependent on the size of the software. In practice, the simplest sites were migrated within 1 weekend, the most complex ones in about 3-4 weeks. Of course, any works affecting the operation of services are carried out at night.
  • How much traffic are we able to handle?

    Any. We maintain websites with traffic of up to 1 million daily users on our servers. Depending on the scale of your needs, we can handle very heavy loads.
  • What if the server/hosting fails?

    We mirror our infrastructure in a separate data center. In the event of the failure of one server room, the traffic is directed to the backup infrastructure via independent load balancers.
  • How long does it take to restore the entire application and data from the backup server in the event of a malfunction?

    For systems up to 50GB in size, restoration takes between 15 minutes and 60 minutes. Of course, this is if the entire environment needs to be recovered from the backup servers.
  • Do we monitor the speed of the service for users?

    Yes. We have advanced monitoring set up for not only the use of server resources but also the speed of the software.

So, do we have the hosting for you?

Contact us, and we will provide you with details of our services.