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Implementations WordPress & WooCommerce
like a PRO with Headless CMS!

We implement ultra-modern services like headless CMS based on WordPress using the React/Gatsby technology.

Our brand 

  • WordPress

    It’s the most popular CMS system in the world. In our group, we have executed over 100 services in the last eight years. We offer consulting, implementation and maintenance for WordPress services. We have extensive knowledge in the scope of optimizing safety, performance and scaling large services.

  • WooCommerce

    Seemingly, it’s just an e-commerce plug-in for WordPress. When actually, it is a very elaborate tool providing you with almost unlimited possibilities in constructing an e-commerce system and creating sales models. The solution is great for small and medium-sized stores. We’ve done over 30 successful implementations so far.

Wordpress jako headless CMS

We provide the convenience of wordpress with high quality code, security and performance.

Wordpress can be secure, fast and highly optimized for Google. Within our technology group we offer implementation services of Wordpress and WooCommerce systems in headless CMS model as well as in standard model (through frontend built by Wordpress application). Thanks to headless CMS approach you keep great ease of content management and without additional work you get the highest level of security, performance and SEO optimization.

  • Ikona React.js





HEADLESS CMS Opt for Wordpress + React + Gatsby

  • Performance

    One of the greatest benefits of the Jamstack approach is the performance speed. When entering a site, the user downloads an already pre-generated HTML file of the site. Depending on how complex the project is, the difference in performance may reach even a couple of hundred percent compared to the classic WordPress approach. The results obtained in the PageSpeed tests are very high compared to the amount of work involved.
  • Safety

    Making available a pre-generated static HTML code makes the threat of attacks compared to a traditional CMS system negligible. There is no direct connection between the server or database because the data is only downloaded during site compilation. Thanks to this approach, your website is completely safe.
  • SEO

    Another benefit is having a higher position in the search results because Google prefers static sites. They are fast, light, and easy to scan for robots. Moreover, from June 2021, the Core Web Vitals indicators started affecting SEO largely, and one of the key factors in the ranking is speed. It seems that the classically created websites will be achieving increasingly weaker results.
  • User experience

    Jamstack enables us to design your website the way you want it – without the limitations you experienced before. This is possible because we have full control over the front-end layer. Modern technologies which we utilize increase the comfort of using the website, which significantly affects the conversion coefficient.
  • Scalability

    You do not have to run additional servers to handle large traffic, as the website is serviced from a CDN network. Moreover, Jamstack websites are based on cloud services such as Gatsby Cloud, which are scaled in order to process data and function dynamically. The costs of such a solution are significantly lower.

Dlaczego headless CMS jest
przyszłością wdrożeń WordPress?

Dedykowane Aplikacje


Dividing the code into multiple small components. This means that the app is easier to develop and maintain.

Dedykowane Aplikacje webowe


Ensures greater legibility of the code and allows you to detect errors as early as in the editor – contrary to Javascript, where we learn about the errors at the stage of running or testing the app.

Analiza heurystyczna

Knowledge transfer

The entry threshold into app creation in the JAMstack architecture is not high. We are able to provide the knowledge necessary to develop and maintain the app to your team.

Audyt ekspercki

Update process

The update process is easy and burdened with a low risk of failure, which improves the stability and reliability of the site.

Lista kontrolna


Low risk of technical debt.Wordpress serves only as a content management system, and front end is a separate part prepared using modern and future-oriented technologies.

Dedykowany Project Manager


Full implementation automation means saving time when implementing changes and adding new functions.

Body Leasing


Jamstack is becoming more and more popular, so its community is growing. There are many tutorials, tools with constantly updated repositories, and technical forums where programmers can share knowledge.


Good programmers want to have the feeling of a job well done. Although the website requirements keep changing and becoming more rigorous, Jamstack helps the programmers face those and succeed.

Biuro GOGOmedia

Dedykowany zespół ekspertów

GOGOmedia is part of the Hello World! Sp. z o.o. as part of which we managed to build a team specializing only in the front-end and WordPress-related services:   For the sake of the WordPress and WooCommerce services, we dedicated a team of over 25 developers who execute, consult and develop the existing projects. We are very proactive in our approach, so we offer our clients services that are not so straightforward/easy/fast as they are rather high-quality, scalable, and long lifecycle-oriented.   When creating software, we put emphasis on the quality of code, its modularity, and lightness, and we perform code reviews. We normally conduct our projects using agile methodologies, most often using Scrum.

The industries we have cooperated with:

  • Education
  • Publishing
  • Telcom
  • Fin-Tech
  • Logistics
  • Marketing
  • Big data
  • FMCG
  • HoReCa
  • R&D

Opinions about GOGOmedia

FAQ Popular questions

  • Can I transfer my current website into the Jamstack architecture?

    Yes, we can create a new front-end layer for you based on the content you’ve already introduced. We’ll review for you the current integrations, installed plugins, and features that should be retained. This is the perfect time to consider a full website redesign, or perhaps a branding update.
  • Do you also create websites based on a CMS other than WordPress?

    We’ve been working with wordpress forever and we know it inside out, but we’re not limited only to this one CMS, we also do projects in Strapi. If you have another proposal – please contact us. We’ll help you choose the best solution.
  • Is the Jamstack approach appropriate for e-commerce?

    Yes, you could say that it is even advisable. The faster and more user-friendly your online store is, the higher the chance that a visit to the site will result in a purchase or a customer contact. The way we shop today has changed a lot. We are easily discouraged, even if it’s a matter of “just” a second. Gatsby supports the well-known WooCommerce.
  • Is there a possibility to use WordPress plug-ins?

    The use of wordpress plugins is very limited, so we have full control over the performance of the site. List of supported plugins can be found here: If the plugin you would like to use in your project is not on the list, don’t worry – we can create its functionality for you.
  • What is the Jamstack architecture?

    Jamstack is a modern software architecture for creating fast, efficient, secure, SEO-friendly and reliable static websites, web applications and online stores. Jamstack itself is not a framework.
  • What is the cost of execution and maintenance of a headless CMS-based service?

    The cost of implementation compared to the classical approach will be higher due to specialists working in top technologies. This is compensated by the cost of maintenance of the service, which is much lower due to the high level of security and low risk of failure of the update.
  • Is the execution of a service based on a headless CMS the same as in the classical approach?

    The turnaround time for a project in Headless CMS is slightly longer than for the classic approach. In our experience, this is about 10% difference.

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