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UX/UI Audit Perform a full usability audit
and find out what can be improved.

We perform expert audits as well as audits with users and research groups.

Kobieta z wykresem
  • 360°


    we manage the whole process: from audit and research to design and implementation of changes

  • +90


    implemented within the applications and web systems of our clients

  • 12


    of carrying out projects in the UX/UI sector by talented visionaries

  • 2


    the average time needed to develop the initial UX audit

THE SCOPE Usługi wykonywane w ramach
Audytu UX

Audyt ekspercki

Expert audit

The so-called expert evaluation audit is similar in scope to a heuristic analysis but is largely based on the practical experience of our experts. It uses good practices and hard information obtained from research and analysis carried out on real users.

Analiza heurystyczna

Heuristic analysis

Evaluation of the interface and its performance based on lists of general usability guidelines relating to system behavior, user experience, and the graphical layer itself.

Wędrówka poznawcza

A cognitive walkthrough

A cognitive walkthrough is the implementation of usually 3 to 7 test scenarios, in which an expert goes through scenarios dedicated to users. In this study, the expert assesses the actions required from users in order to implement the scenario.

Lista kontrolna


In this method, we use checklists of how the product or service works. The result of this analysis is a score for each item on the list. In addition to the scoring, where possible, we additionally provide our recommendations and suggestions for changes, highlighting good practices (for example, from competitors).

Environments in which we perform UX Audit

Dedykowane Aplikacje webowe


Desktop MAC

Mac OS

Ikona mobile Android


Ikon mobile Apple


STEP BY STEP Audyt UX - jak wygląda realizacja?

01 Preparatory

  • Initial interview and familiarisation with the environment/application/system
  • Collection of functional requirements
  • Collection of business requirements
  • Obtaining access to analytical tools (Google Analytics, Yandex, Hotjar, etc.)
  • A preliminary interview with users of the application on the client’s side

02 Implementation of the audit

  • Analysis of data and information received during the preparatory phase
  • Implementation of a proper audit: Expert audit > Heuristic analysis > Cognitive walkthrough> Checklist
  • (optional) User research on a representative group
  • Preparation of a summary document

03 Results

  • Presentation of the report at the client’s premises, discussion of the main problems and the manner of solving them
  • A proposal for a change recommendation (optional), a visualization of the concept of the change, or correction of the interface
  • (optional) Visualization of a concept for a change or correction to the interface
Tablet z ikoną serca

After completing the UX audit, the cooperation continues with the execution of a project that takes into account the conclusions of the audit.

Co najczęściej audytujemy?

System B2B
Dedykowane Aplikacje
B2C / B2B applications
Serwisy informacyjne

Audyt UX - W czym Ci pomoże?

  • Audyt UX

    We will identify the existing and potential problems in the use of your current application/website

  • Lista numeryczna

    We will prepare recommendations for changes to the interface and processes, broken down by priority

  • Projektowanie

    We will design a new, more usable service in terms of prototypes, graphics, and the process itself

FAQ Popular questions

  • Is a UX audit necessary?

    Many factors influence customers’ purchasing decisions.  In times of huge competition, it is essential to offer the customer a purchasing platform that is convenient, intuitive, and allows them to purchase in a short time. It is also worth bearing in mind that if a website was launched a long time ago, it might not be up to market standards anymore. A poorly designed website hinders the purchase path, makes the user impatient, and triggers them to make the purchase somewhere else. A UX audit is an investment in a positive user experience that undoubtedly influences their purchasing decisions.
  • Do we do advanced user research?

    Yes, however, due to the more specialized nature of such tests and their complex structure, we may recommend performing them depending on the condition of the interface that’s being analyzed.
  • How much does a UX audit cost?

    The cost of an audit depends on the size, complexity, and sophistication of the application entrusted to us. Each quotation is prepared individually and takes into account the adjustment of the scope of services to the expectations and needs of the client. We do not have a fixed price list.
  • How long does a UX audit take?

    The duration of the audit depends on the scope of work and comprehensiveness. Most often, for the basic range of the audit, it takes between 2 and 4 weeks.

Find out more about the UX Audit

Contact us, and we will help you optimize the usability of your application.