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THE TECHNOLOGIES Check out our tech-stack

We are closely following the changing world of web-development. We make every effort to ensure that our software is based on stable, scalable and secure solutions. We individually select a technology stack for each project taking into account the business context.

The technologies presented apply to all our brands (GOGOmedia, UI2WEB, TheBloom).
  • Ikona React.js


  • Next.js


  • Gatsby

  • Ikona Vue


  • TypeScript


  • JavaScript

  • Ikona figma


  • Axure

  • Miro

  • Adobe Creative Cloud

  • PHP


  • Symfony Framework

  • Laravel Framework


  • WooCommerce (Headless CMS)

  • Wordpress (Headless CMS)

  • Strapi CMS

  • Vercel

  • Jamstack

  • JIRA

  • Confluence

  • Trello

  • TEMPO Timesheets

To tylko najpopularniejsze stosowane przez nas technologie.

Do you have special or non-standard technological requirements? Contact us to discover all the expertise of our engineers and programmers. We'd be happy to help you implement a project using a technology, which is not provided on this list.

Chcesz porozmawiać o doborze technologii do projektu?

Contact us, and we can help you perform a full analysis of the selection of IT tools to meet your project needs.